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Coffee is one of the oldest drinks consumed worldwide.
The region, altitude, and even the soil it was grown from add to the flavour of every cup of coffee you drink.
Whether it is from rich volcanic soil or high altitudes, the geography of your coffee adds to its unique and rich flavour.
Learn more about coffee
The adventure it goes through to its last stage of being in your cup.
Coffee comes from a tall, bushy evergreen plant often categorized as a shrub. This plant produces red, cherry-like berries that contain the coffee bean. When grown in the wild, these coffee plants can grow up to 10 feet tall. After 3-5 years of growth, this plant begins to bloom.
The blooms of the coffee plant are small, white flowers that smell remarkably like jasmine. After six months of producing pollon from the blooms to stimulate reproduction, the coffee plant begins to grow cherries instead of flowers.
Depending on the variety of coffee plant, these berries can be red, pink, orange, or yellow.
These seeds are what we know as coffee beans
Each coffee cherry starts as an unripened green color and matures to contain two seeds.
During the harvesting of the coffee cherries, their skin and pulp are removed to separate the seeds, which are then dried and roasted. Coffee cherries do not ripen simultaneously, so several harvesting periods are required to pick them all.
Although they are technically edible, the coffee cherry has thick skin and hardly any meat. This makes it unsuitable for eating raw. The coffee cherry contains little to no nutritional value, although it tastes pleasantly sweet.
The soil, elevation, and variety of coffee plants are all factors that determine the flavor of the final brew of coffee. Because of this, there are hundreds of variations, blends and brews to choose from.
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What Is Coffee?
What Is Coffee?
Coffee is one of the oldest drinks consumed worldwide. The region, altitude, and even the soil it was grown from add to the flavour of every cup you drink.
Where Does Coffee Come From?
Where Does Coffee Come From?
Coffee comes from the cherries of coffee plants. There are many types of coffee plants, but only two varieties are commonly used today: Arabica and Robusta.
4 Types Of Coffee Beans
4 Types Of Coffee Beans
Good coffee starts with the coffee beans themselves. Many coffee drinkers are surprised to learn that there is more than one type of coffee bean.